Monday, October 13, 2008

Long Distance Relationship.

Sometimes distance relationship sucks. Most of the time all you get from it is pain... pain of missing her. There times your plans doesn’t work the way you both planed... plans to spend time together. These times you feel like giving up... giving up all those dreams you had together. And even your close friends also think negatively rather than giving you hope... hope that everything will be ok. But there are some sweet friends they are always with you... friend always give you hope. In the end all it matters is how much you trust them how strong is your relationship. So for those who are in a distance relationship, I would say think of the moments you shared together, and for those who never met think how would you feel when you meet for the first time. Good things come to those who wait... and some things are really worth waiting. :)

image by ~evol1314 on deviantART

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