Thursday, October 18, 2007


I can’t hold your hand and say I will always b with u

I can’t look at u and say how beautiful u r

I can’t hug u when u r sad

I can’t hug u when u says it’s cold here

I can’t play with your hair and say how cute it looks

I can’t even hug u and say how much I love u

I can’t kiss you and say always be mine


yaittey said...

dude, i knw how u feel....

hope sumday... u get to be with her forever!!! :D

Anonymous said...

hope everythings gonna be alright!

Anonymous said...

dude just give her some time am sure she will understand :)

iecco said...

don't worry everything will turn out fine :)

My Ɛ-JoůrnåL said...

hey darling, dnt ya worry! insha allah everything wud turn out fine! jz hv faith in yrself...

Anonymous said...

buddy... cud be, wud be ahfahu cant ah badhal vee dhoa...
man i really feel sorry for u. Dont think too much about it... plus u got ur exams on december ennu dhoa... just give sometime and everythings gonna be okey then...

LIL GIRL said...


shaviyani said...

aww.. every thing will happen for a good reason

Anonymous said...

hehe yeah dude!! i too know how u feel!! anyways nice poem!! ur good at this! ;)

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