Monday, September 10, 2007

Always on my mind

Day and night your always on my mind,
I keep thinking of you,
your one of a kind,
There will never be another girl like you,
Your so sweet in everything you do,
The things you say to me always make me smile,
When I’m talking to you it’s all worthwhile,
When I feel down all I need is to hear your voice to turn my frown around
You always know the right things to say,
When I’m talking to you my skies are never grey,
When its late at night and I lay in my bed,
And thoughts of you pop in my head,
I go to my window and look at the stars shining so bright,
Giving me a sign that this is right,
I wish that you think of me as I think of you,
Then I go to sleep and dream of you too,
As I wake it’s the same routine again warm days and nights thinking of you!!


stranger said...

some things r better forgotten..but dose things r d hardest in real..

nice..great..well just my thinkin about 'always on my mind'

but the poem is real loabi..

n thanks a whole bunch

iecco said...

yea lovely poem.. hope u guys wud be happy together always :)

blinkgurl said...

thats sooo sooo sooo n sooo sweet sal--

:) all the best...

DhiKing said...

stranger: thank for the comment

darkangel: happy with who... hehe

blinkgurl: thanx mu--

odium said...

nice poem....salhi varah

Anonymous said...

ur soo welcome :D

LIL GIRL said...

thts soo loabiii

shaviyani said...

alheyyyy .. varah varah varah varah loabiii poem eh ..

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