Sunday, September 2, 2007

A broken dream.....

In life we have so many dreams. All of them don’t come true. Sometime dreams are so true. You realize that’s a dream, only when it doesn’t come true. I also once had a dream. It was so real and I thought that’s the realty and that is my future. But everything changed everything I saw was a fake my dream was broken. I was really hurt because I wanted that dream to come true. Anyway all dreams don’t come true so I have forgotten all about it. After that I had I better dreams than that. And it came true....... friends keep on dreaming dreams do come true


My Ɛ-JoůrnåL said...

Yeah buddies Dhiking is right... Keep on dreaming! ;)

.mini said...

yeah you should dream
you even have to get out of the box
all of the dreams won't come true
you just have to accept that fact and keep on dreaming

blinkgurl said...

hehe i do agree wid.. dreams do cum tru n nice to see u here..

hope to see more cool posts...


Anonymous said...

yeah yeah... we should dream ...

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