Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some things are really hard to say.....

How much you mean to me?

How much I care about you?

How much I trust you?

How much I miss you?

How much I love you?

If I say you mean the world to me, still I think you mean more than that to me!!!

If I say I care you more than anything still it doesn’t say how much!!!

If I say I trust you more than myself, how much I trust myself???

If I say I miss you so much, how much is so much???

If I say I love you alot, alot doesnt determine the exact!!!


shweetikle said...

true =)
cute one ^.^

yaittey said...

thats true DhiKing! somethings are realllyyyy hard to say!!

Anonymous said...

totally agree with you... and between are u in love with someone?

DhiKing said...

professore that a too dirct question hehe.... cant answer in a place like this

.mini said...

you never know...

blinkgurl said...

ahem... :D hehe nice ;)

blackdeth said...

king haadha igshy ey

Liprina said...

King bro, these are some true words. Its lovely. :D keep it up!!

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