Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Half missing

I wonder why mig33 have a half missing mobile phone in their home page. It looks like a nokia 6230i. See it for yourself in the image bellow.


Anonymous said...

its a nokia 6230i for sure ...
i know coz i had one ...
dunno why they have like cropped off a section ...
hehe ...
may be an attempt to being creative or something ...
hehe ...

iecco said...

dude... u surely know how to find mistakes :P haha
great one ekam ves ingay

yaittey said...

dude, i wonder why the hell it bothers you?!??! hehe

.mini said...

haadha ehen kahala echis notice veyey dho? :S

blinkgurl said...

ur good at findin mistakes...

keep it up... :)

LIL GIRL said...

lol.. u olways find mistakes!!

Anonymous said...

dhiking... why are u always after mistakes done by otherS?? hehhe

Unknown said...

u r observent :p

letoh said...

well maybe the one who invented had a nokia 6230i. who knows...

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